Closing Party for What we Censor, What we Don't

August 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

If you follow this blog, and I hope you can follow this meager trail of breadcrumbs, you know that the show "What We Censor, What we Don't" has been in the works for a long time, and finally opened on August 3, 2014.  Now it is closing on August 31, and closing with a hit. The hits will be provided by Los Tres Caballeros, and we will also be showing paintings and prints by Diana Hemmings, as well as photographic prints from the La Forme group by Diana Oliva.

Whether you've been to see the show before or not, you're certainly welcome, and even if you did come earlier, you'll see some things you did not see the last time.  So please come on by to the Croatian Cultural Center of Greater Los Angeles  at around 5pm on Sunday August 31.  It's at 7th & Pacific in San Pedro, and there is a parking lot just west of the center on 7th.

The show has been very well received by hundreds of guests as well as at least one newspaper review. Click HERE for that link.  I have learned some things from the visitors so far, and hope to learn some more on Sunday.  One thing that I learned, and much to my surprise, is that virtually everyone agrees with me, and DISAGREES with what is supposedly our "community standard."  That makes me really question where these standards are coming from, and what they are really trying to accomplish. 

Some of my favorite photos of the visitors are here:

It was gratifying to see so many people actually looking at the "Guide to the Show" and considering what they were looking at and why.  I didn't get a chance to meet these guys but I hope they got more than they bargained for.


I really like it when people enjoy the show, and in particular when they make their own statements based in the artwork.


I was told that the lady below is a biology teacher, and I really enjoyed seeing her go through the various images, carefully placing the stickers where she thought they should go, and then being just apparently stumped by what to do with this one.

As you can likely tell from the photos above, people got into the interactive aspect of the show and really started moving those CENSORED stickers around and telling their own stories.


Many people have purchased the show shirts and golf/coverup/posing towels.  Others have purchased some artwork, greeting cards, and even the window cling "CENSORED" stickers.  Some of my favorite photos of people using or wearing their purchases are here:

Because there is not yet another, or a permanent home for this show, this may be the last time to see these images presented this way for quite a while. 


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